Ongoing blog of Conor’s path to R mastery
1 Current Active Bookmarks
1.1 Action Items
- Build a Workflow to add these links to github
- Build an r process to manage these links and the projects related to them
- see test.Rmd, test2.Rmd, and the remove_md() function in the Automating Git/Markdown workflow section of functions.R
- keep Blog Active
1.3 key driver analysis
1.3.1 Continuous and automatic key driver analysis of customer feedback
Continuous and automatic key driver analysis of customer feedback
1.4 Finalfit
1.4.1 Elegant regression results tables and plots in R: the finalfit package
Elegant regression results tables and plots in R: the finalfit package (Ewen Harrison, 2018)
- This article was first published on R – DataSurg
- See Finalfit_README.Rmd
1.4.2 Finalfit, knitr and R Markdown for quick results
Finalfit, knitr and R Markdown for quick results (Harrison, 2018)
- This article was first published on R – DataSurg
- See Finalfit_example_1.Rmd
- See Finalfit_example_2.Rmd
1.5 Bookdown
1.5.2 bookdownplus package
bookdownplus package: an R package for writing assorted books and documents, such as academic articles, mails, guitar chords, chemical molecular formulae, with R bookdown
- Templates and stuff
- R bookdownplus Textbook (Zhao, 2017)
1.5.3 Writing your thesis with bookdown
Writing your thesis with bookdown (Berry, 2017)
- Good tips and tricks
1.5.5 Mastering Software Development in R: Continuous Integration
Mastering Software Development in R
Chapter: Continuous Integration
- Use Travis CI to set up continuous integration for your book
1.6 Git
1.6.1 Happy Git and GitHub for the useR
- Happy Git and GitHub for the useR (Bryan, 2018)
- Amazing tutorial on getting set up with git and R
- Will be a great resources for troubleshooting git/R problems
- New Project Workflow:
- Creating a new project: New project, GitHub first
- Create a new github repository repository
- Clone or download -> copy link
- in RStudio -> File -> New Project -> Version Control -> Git -> paste url
- Daily Workflow:
- Start day with the “Pull” button from the “Git” tab in RStudio (make sure you are starting with the current versions)
- Save/Commit regularly with informative commit changes
- Amend Commits when you make incremental saves. Do commits for separate changes.
- 6/11: set up git on mac:
- installed R & RStudio on mac
- installed git and Emacs
- created ssh keys
- tested push to git from shell and RStudio
- updated this note and Committed/Pushed to git
- 6/15: set up git on PC
- had some trouble with PC shell vs terminal, but was able to successfully connect.
- pulled Alternate branch of this workbook to begin merge process
- merged Alternate branch into Master to gather all links/updates as of some time last week
- Next step: 17 Existing project, GitHub first
- Also see:
1.6.2 Learn Git Branching
- Learn Git Branching
- Interactive introduction to git branching (learning reference), including good basic use of the terminal to enter commands
- slowly working through levels
- 6/16: worked through Ramping up #2
1.6.3 getting-started-with-git-egit-eclipse
1.6.5 Other Git
An introduction to Git and how to use it with RStudio
- Part of The R class R programming for biologists (which looks like a good R tutorial overall)
- 2018-06-16: high level overview of git, with some example code for what can/can’t be done in RStudio
- 2018-06-16: very high level overview of git with RStudio. Jenny Bryan’s happygitwithr is far superior.
1.7 Other
- Good discussion of programming with dplyr (quoting, quosures, etc.)