5 Meetup - East Bay R Language Beginners Group

5.1 Oakland Ford GoBikes - 2018-09-04

Professor Eric Seuss, CSUEB

Data science at CSU East Bay

Packages noted:

Other notes


  • Write up my project workflow in R
  • Write up my thoughts on how to learn R

5.2 R Lightening Talks! Time Series, Classifier Interpretation, Reticulate Python - 2018-10-02

Meetup Link


5.2.1 Jeff Newmiller

A Quick Start for Handling Time-Series Data

We will use the task of importing, summarizing and plotting a couple of time-stamped data sets to illustrate some pitfalls and best practices for working with time values in R.


Jeff Newmiller has been collecting and analyzing data using computers since 1981, and started using R in 2003. He currently assists investors in evaluating risk in solar photovoltaic power system projects, and develops physics-based and empirical (regression-based) models related to solar photovoltaic power equipment performance for DNV GL, an international engineering consulting firm.

Github - Overview of Date-Time Handling in R

  • Excellent slideshow using slidy_presentation and RMarkdown
  • Best practice, import the original datetime column, then convert to date. Then you can work backwards as you develop.
    • Timezone is important
    • Set tz variable for the environment
    • Don’t ever let your default timezone control how your data are interpreted! At a minimum invoke Sys.setenv(TZ=AppropriateTimeZone) at the beginning of your script.

Stoney Vintson

  1. Quick Overview of Classifier Model Interpretation
  1. Hands on example in R with a github repo for further learning LIME and SMOTE for dealing with class imbalance in training examples


Stoney Vintson analyzes image and IMU data at Ceres Imaging. He has worked with computer vision at Trnio and Gigapan as well as a TA at the first immersive data class at General Assembly in San Francisco.

Allan Miller

Reticulate: Python for R Users

How to access python modules from inside R using the Reticulate package, co-written by Hadley Wickham of RStudio and Wes McKinney, author of the python pandas library. We will discuss some examples of how to import python modules into R scripts, call python and pandas module functions, and pass data back and forth between python and R.


An active member of the Bay Area R community sine 2008, Allan Miller is an organizer of the East Bay R Meetup. He teaches statistics and data science using R at UC Berkeley Extension, is a member of their Data Science Advisory Committee, and is a Data Scientist at a local Solar Energy startup.